%0 Journal Article %T Evaluaci車n agron車mica y selecci車n de accesiones de Teramnus spp. Agronomic evaluation and selection of Teramnus spp. accessions %A Yuseika Olivera %J Pastos y Forrajes %D 2011 %I Estaci車n Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes "Indio Hatuey" %X Se estudi車 durante un a o una colecci車n de Teramnus spp. con el objetivo de evaluar y seleccionar las accesiones m芍s sobresalientes de este germoplasma. Se trabaj車 en parcelas de 3 x 1 m, con separaci車n en las calles de 2 m, cuyas plantas estaban establecidas de un estudio previo. Para obtener la variabilidad y la relaci車n entre las variables, se realiz車 un an芍lisis de componentes principales (ACP); mientras que para agrupar los tratamientos con caracter赤sticas semejantes, en funci車n de las variables medidas y estimadas, se grafic車 mediante el resultado del ACP. Se constat車 la existencia de un 76,85% de variabilidad total, sobre la base de la altura de la planta, la hojosidad, la cobertura, el vigor y el rendimiento, y se identific車 la formaci車n de siete grupos. Se concluye que hubo un comportamiento aceptable de las accesiones y sobresalieron las del grupo II, principalmente T. labialis CIAT-926, CIAT-21197 y CIAT-9128, por lo que ser赤a recomendable insertarlas en el flujo varietal y compararlas con las accesiones comerciales. A Teramnus spp. collection was studied for a year with the objective of evaluating and selecting the most outstanding accessions of this germplasm. The work was done in 3 x 1 m plots, with space between rows of 2 m, which plants had been established since a previous study. In order to obtain the variability and the relationship among variables, a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed; while for grouping the treatments with similar characteristics, regarding the measured and estimated variables, a graphic was made through the result of the PCA. The existence of 76,85% of total variability was observed, based on plant height, leafiness, cover, vigor and yield, and the formation of seven groups was identified. It is concluded that there was an acceptable performance of the accessions and those in group II stood out, mainly T. labialis CIAT-926, CIAT-21197 and CIAT-9128, for which it would be advisable to insert them in the varietal flow and compare them to commercial accessions. %K Evaluaci車n %K Teramnus spp. %K Evaluation %K Teramnus spp. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-03942011000100002