%0 Journal Article %T H¨¢BITOS ALIMENTARIOS Y RIESGO DE CANCER DE PIEL NO MELANOMA DIET AND RISK OF NON MELANOMA SKIN CANCER %A Mar¨ªa Susana Dagatti %A Agustina Bertola Compagnucci %A Stella Maris Pezzotto %J Revista Chilena de Nutric¨ªon %D 2011 %I Sociedad Chilena de Nutrici¨®n, Bromatolog¨ªa y Toxicolog¨ªa %X Mediante un dise o de casos y controles se evalu¨® si la dieta habitual modifica el riesgo de desarrollar c¨¢ncer de piel no melanoma: carcinomas basocelulares y carcinomas espinocelulares. En la consulta se consignaron datos demogr¨¢ficos, caracter¨ªsticas fenot¨ªpicas y antropom¨¦tricas, antecedentes de quemadura solar, antecedentes familiares de c¨¢ncer de piel y h¨¢bitos de exposici¨®n solar, y se realiz¨® un exhaustivo examen f¨ªsico cut¨¢neo. La dieta fue evaluada por cuestionarios semi-cuantitativos de frecuencia de consumo. Se estudiaron 27 casos (edad: 65,5¡À15,1 a os) y 37 controles (63,9¡À12,3) que asistieron a las mismas instituciones por otras patolog¨ªas. La ingesta alta de vegetales de hojas verdes (m¨¢s de 40 g/d) actuar¨ªa como factor protector (Odd Ratio ajustado= 0,10; IC 95%= 0,02-0,63; p=0,01), modificando el efecto negativo de la exposici¨®n solar. En cambio, los resultados obtenidos para frutas, cruc¨ªferas, vegetales ricos en vitamina A y carotenos y otros vegetales no resultaron estad¨ªsticamente significativos. A case-control study was carried out in order to analyze the association between diet and risk of non melanoma skin cancer -basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), with adjustments for demographic, anthropometric and phenotypic characteristics, sunburns history, skin cancerfamily history, sun-exposure history and skin sensitivity to sun exposure. A full-body skin examination was performed. Dietary data were obtained applying a standardized semi-quantitative questionnaire of consumption frequency. Cases (n=27; age: 65,5+15,1 years) and controls (n=37; age: 63,9+12,3 years) were attended at the same facilities. A decreased risk ofBCC and SCC tumors (Adjusted Odd Ratio=0.10; IC 95%= 0.02-0.63; p=0.01) was found for high intakes of green leafy vegetables (more than 40 gr/day). However, results obtained for fruits, cruciferous, vitamin A and carotene-rich vegetables and other vegetables were not statistically significant. %K C¨¢ncer cut¨¢neo %K carcinoma basoclular %K carcinoma espinocelular %K factores de riesgo %K dieta %K Skin cancer %K basal cell carcinoma %K squamous cell carcinoma %K risk factors %K diet %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-75182011000100002