%0 Journal Article %T Experimental infection with Neospora caninum in pregnant bitches Infec o experimental com Neospora caninum em cadelas prenhes %A Guacyara Tenorio Cavalcante %A Rodrigo Martins Soares %A Sandra Mayumi Nishi %A St¨¦fano Carlo Filippo Hagen %J Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterin¨¢ria %D 2012 %I Col¨¦gio Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinaria %R 10.1590/s1984-29612012000300010 %X In this study, transplacental transmission of Neospora caninum in bitches at different stages of pregnancy was evaluated. Three bitches were inoculated in the 3rd week and three in the 6th week of gestation with 10(8) tachyzoites of N. caninum (Nc-1 strain). All the infected bitches and at least one of their offspring presented anti-N. caninum antibodies according to the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT > 400). The pups and their mothers were sacrificed and tissues from the central nervous system (CNS), popliteal lymph nodes, skeletal muscle, brain, lungs, heart and liver were analyzed for the presence of N. caninum using the nested polymerase chain reaction (nested PCR), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). The parasite was found in the pups in lymph node, CNS, heart and liver tissues using nested PCR. There was no difference in perinatal mortality between the offspring from bitches infected in the 3rd week of gestation (60%) and in the 6th week (53.8%). Neste estudo a transmiss o transplacent¨¢ria de Neospora caninum foi avaliada em f¨ºmeas em diferentes est¨¢gios de gesta o. Tr¨ºs cadelas foram inoculadas na 3a semana e tr¨ºs na 6a semana de gesta o com 10(8) taquizo¨ªtos de N. caninum (cepa Nc-1). Todas as cadelas infectadas, e pelo menos um de seus filhotes, apresentaram anticorpos anti-N. caninum por imunofluoresc¨ºncia indireta (RIFI > 400). Os filhotes e suas m es foram sacrificados e tecidos de sistema nervoso central (SNC), linfonodo popl¨ªteo, m¨²sculo esquel¨¦tico, c¨¦rebro, pulm es, cora o e f¨ªgado foram analisados para a presen a de N. caninum pela rea o em cadeia da polimerase (nested PCR), polimorfismo de comprimento de fragmentos de restri o (RFLP) e imunoistoqu¨ªmica (IHQ). O parasita foi encontrado em filhotes em linfonodo, SNC, cora o e f¨ªgado pela nested PCR. Mortalidade perinatal n o apresentou diferen a entre os filhotes das cadelas infectadas na 3a semana (60%) ou na 6a semana de gesta o (53,8%). %K Neospora caninum %K c es %K transmiss o transplacent¨¢ria %K infec o experimental %K Neospora caninum %K dogs %K transplacental transmission %K experimental infection %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1984-29612012000300010