%0 Journal Article %T Riscos e consequ¨ºncias do uso da t¨¦cnica transportal na reconstru o do ligamento cruzado anterior: rela o entre o t¨²nel femoral, a art¨¦ria genicular lateral superior e o epic ndilo lateral do c ndilo femoral Risks and consequences of using the transportal technique in reconstructing the anterior cruciate ligament: relationships between the femoral tunnel, lateral superior genicular artery and lateral epicondyle of the femoral condyle %A Diego Costa Astur %A Vinicius Aleluia %A Ciro Veronese Santos %A Gustavo Gon£¿alves Arliani %J Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia %D 2012 %I Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia %R 10.1590/s0102-36162012000500011 %X OBJETIVO: Definir zona de seguran a para evitar poss¨ªveis complica es vasculares e ligamentares durante a reconstru o do ligamento cruzado anterior. M¨¦TODOS: Reconstru o artrosc¨®pica com uso de t¨¦cnica transportal e transtibial em joelhos de cad¨¢ver foi realizada seguida de dissec o e mensura o da distancia entre o t¨²nel femoral e a inser o proximal do ligamento colateral lateral e o t¨²nel femoral e a art¨¦ria genicular lateral superior. RESULTADOS: A mensura o das distancias analisadas mostra uma aproxima o maior do principal ramo da art¨¦ria genicular lateral superior e da inser o proximal do ligamento colateral lateral com o t¨²nel femoral, realizado com a t¨¦cnica transportal. CONCLUS O: Percebemos que o uso da t¨¦cnica transportal para reconstru o artrosc¨®pica do LCA apresenta maior probabilidade de les o da art¨¦ria genicular lateral e da inser o do ligamento colateral lateral, favorecendo complica es p¨®s-cir¨²rgicas como instabilidade do joelho, osteonecrose do c ndilo femoral lateral e ligamentiza o do enxerto. OBJECTIVE: Define a security zone to avoid possibles vascular and ligamentar complications during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. METHODS: Arthroscopic reconstruction using the transtibial and transportal technique in cadaver knees was performed followed by dissection and measurement of the distance between the femoral tunnel and the proximal attachment of the lateral collateral ligament and the femoral tunnel and the lateral superior genicular artery. RESULTS: The measure of the analysed distances show us an aproximation between the major branch of the lateral superior genicular artery and the femoral insertion of the colateral lateral ligament and the femoral tunnel during the transportal technique. CONCLUSION: We realize that the use of technical ship it to arthroscopic ACL reconstruction has a higher probability of injury to the lateral geniculate artery and insertion of the lateral collateral ligament, promoting post-surgical complications such as instability of the knee, osteonecrosis of the femoral condyle and ligamentiza o graft. %K Ligamento Cruzado Anterior %K Procedimentos Cir¨²rgicos Minimamente Invasivos %K Art¨¦rias %K F¨ºmur %K Anterior Cruciate Ligament %K Surgical Procedures %K Minimally Invasive %K Arteries %K Femur %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-36162012000500011