%0 Journal Article %T Development of the educational digital library EduCR@I 2.0 Desarrollo de la Biblioteca Digital Educativa EduCR@I 2.0 %A Yolanda L車pez Santana %A Alfredo Jonatan L車pez Vargas %J Biblios %D 2013 %I University Library System, University of Pittsburgh %R 10.5195/biblios.2012.55 %X Libraries have changed from being places where you store, organize and disseminate information, to become dynamic centers, acting proactively in knowledge construction by providing resources and services that innovate ways to communicate with its users to create alternative spaces to make an impact in the academic life of the institution. This educational digital library proposal involves the construction of a virtual space extended to the physical library resources to accommodate different teaching and educational purposes expressed in learning objects, video channel, wikis, virtual classroom, blogs, web portal, library in virtual worlds and digital repositories. EDUCR @ I 2.0 is the name that has been designated to the multi-platform educational digital library CUCSUR, presenting up to now as progress in its construction the design of structures for skills development writers. The project proposes a flexible schema to be organized in a modular way and the possibilities to increase its components. It allows saving costs due to the use of free software and open source as well as the campus intranet, and depending on the incorporation of multimedia materials, users online and scanned documents to database, it is possible to perform preliminary tests on its functionality with Workstations computer equipment type for preliminary testing and measuring growth of the collections in the future. Las bibliotecas han evolucionado de ser lugares donde se almacenan, organizan y difunden la informaci車n hasta convertirse en centros din芍micos que act迆an de manera proactiva en la construcci車n del conocimiento al disponer de recursos y servicios que innovan la manera de comunicarse con sus usuarios al generar espacios alternativos para lograr un impacto en la vida acad谷mica de la instituci車n. La presente propuesta de biblioteca digital educativa consiste en la construcci車n de un espacio virtual extendido a la biblioteca f赤sica para albergar diferentes recursos con fines did芍cticos y educativos expresados en objetos de aprendizaje, canal de video, wikis, aula virtual, blogs, portal web, biblioteca en mundos virtuales y repositorios digitales. EDUCR@I 2.0 es el nombre que se le ha designado a la multiplataforma digital educativa de la biblioteca del CUCSUR, que presenta hasta el momento como avance en su construcci車n el dise o de estructuras para el desarrollo de competencias escritoras. El proyecto propone un esquema flexible al organizarse de forma modular y con posibilidades para incrementar sus componentes. Permite el ahorro de costos debido a la utilizaci車n de softwa %K Educational digital library %K Blogs %K Media center %K Library in virtual worlds %K Free software and open source %K Learning objects %K Web 2.0 %K Wikis %K Digital repositories %K Virtual classroom %U http://biblios.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/biblios/article/view/55