%0 Journal Article %T THE TRADITIONAL SACRED IN THE CHRISTIAN POETRY OF VASILE MILITARU %A Corina VA£¿CA %J Societate £¿i Politic£¿ %D 2011 %I Universitatea de Vest Vasile Goldis din Arad %X The meaning of the word ¡°sacred¡±, when associatedwith traditions, refers to a comprehensive process, manifested by theChristianization of the Romanian people, the human presence within the worldand its relationship with the Divinity. The sacred is a category of interpretationand evaluation that ¡°only exists in the religious area¡± and escapes reason,according to German theologian and philosopher Rudolf Otto. In his words, thesacred has a live component in all religions, which makes up its very specificcharacteristic. Without this content, Rudolf Otto maintained, ¡°all would be farfrom religion¡±. He called it ¡°numinous¡±, which implies the idea of ¡°good,divine¡±. The human being is linked to the divinity through faith, but only in thepresence of love. %K sacred %K divine %K poetry %K faith %K numinous %K Cosmic Christianity %U http://www.uvvg.ro/socpol/images/stories/2011-1/11.pdf