%0 Journal Article %T Aulas de ingl谷s inclusivas: requerimientos, implicaciones y limitaciones: -Un estudio de caso- Inclusive English classrooms: requirements, implications and limitations: -A qualitative case study- %A Johanna Montaˋo Moreno %A Esperanza Vera Rodr赤guez %J Folios %D 2012 %I Universidad Pedag車gica Nacional %X Resumen Este art赤culo presenta los resultados de un estudio de caso que buscaba responder a las siguientes preguntas de investigaci車n: Cu芍les son las percepciones que tiene la comunidad educativa de un centro educativo distrital acerca de la educaci車n inclusiva en las aulas de ingl谷s?, Cu芍les son los par芍metros que esta escuela sigue para trabajar con aulas de ingl谷s inclusivas? Y Qu谷 estrategias se utilizan en las aulas de ingl谷s para responder a las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes? El estudio fue realizado durante ocho meses aproximadamente en el centro educativo en menci車n. Para realizar una descripci車n completa del proceso de inclusi車n en la instituci車n se realizaron observaciones de clase, entrevistas a diferentes miembros de la comunidad educativa y se aplicaron cuestionarios a los estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales y a sus docentes. Los hallazgos revelaron que aunque algunos pocos profesores utilizan estrategias personales para responder a las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes, hay a迆n muchos obst芍culos que se constituyen en una barrera para el desarrollo exitoso de un proceso de inclusi車n y carencias que se deben atender y suplir. Abstract This article presents the results of a qualitative case study which attempted to answer the following research questions: What are the perceptions that the educational community has of inclusive education in the English language classrooms? What are the parameters that this school follows in order to work with inclusive English classrooms? And what strategies are being used in the classrooms in order to respond to students'individual needs? The study was developed approximately during eight months in a public school in Bogota. Class observations and interviews to different members of the educational community were done and questionnaires to teachers and students with special educational needs were applied in order to provide a thorough description of the processes of inclusion in the institution. The findings revealed that although some few teachers use some personal strategies in order to respond to some students'individual needs, there are still many obstacles that become a barrier for the successful development of an inclusion process in the institution and lacks that need to be attended to and supplied. %K Estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales %K inclusi車n %K integraci車n %K aulas de ingl谷s inclusivas %K SEN (Special educational needs) %K students %K inclusion %K integration %K inclusive English classrooms %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0123-48702012000200005