%0 Journal Article %T Territ車rios das escritas do eu: pensar a profiss o 每 narrar a vida = Territories of self-writing thinking the profession 每 narrating life %A Souza %A Elizeu Clementino de %J Educaˋˋo %D 2011 %I Editora da Pontif赤cia Universidade Cat車lica do Rio Grande do Sul - EDIPUCRS %X O texto apresenta reflex es sobre poss赤veis aproxima es entre mem車ria, forma o e profissionaliza o, para discutir percursos pessoais e coletivos de educadores, com vistas a destacar um corpo de saberes experienciado pelos professores e um sistema normativo de controle do magist谷rio, no campo educacional baiano. Discute como imprimiram marcas no tocante 角 hist車ria da profiss o docente, a partir da discuss o te車rica sobre entrevistas narrativas realizadas com educadores baianos que exerceram fortes influ那ncias no cen芍rio educacional da Bahia entre os anos 1940 e 1980 e ainda exercem, atualmente, um &of赤cio* profissional. O eixo central deste trabalho consiste em discutir quest es concernentes 角 hist車ria da profiss o e da profissionaliza o docente, no pa赤s, e a aspectos te車rico-metodol車gicos das entrevistas narrativas. This paper presents reflections upon some possible approximations between memories, education and professionalization so as to discuss personal and collective itineraries of educators. We aim, throughout this process, to highlight a set of knowledge, experienced by the teachers and a normative system of control in Bahia educational field. We discuss how this imprint a mark in the history of teaching, on the base of a theoretical discussion upon narratives interviews, realized by teachers from Bahia, who have exerted strong influences in the educational Bahia scene between 1940 and 1980 and still practice some profession nowadays. Our main purpose is to discuss relevant questions to the history of teaching profession and professionalization in Brazil, as well as some theoretical and methodological dimensions of the analysis of narratives interviews. %K EDUCA O %K PROFESSORES - FORMA O PROFISSIONAL %K PROFESSORES - ATUA O PROFISSIONAL %U http://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/ojs/index.php/faced/article/viewFile/8707/6359