%0 Journal Article %T POST-CRISIS PROSPECTS FOR THE MILITARY ORGANIZATION %A Codrin HER£żANU %J Journal of Defense Resources Management %D 2011 %I %X Humankind has constantly evolved for the past two millenia. Even though the term development may suggest a smooth and ascending trajectory, the serious economic problems confronting countries nowadays prove otherwise. Thus, the economic forecasts seem to point out that in the 21st century environmental and resource constraints are to halt the global economic growth. As a result, austerity will reach the military budgets as well, even though the security challenges, both intra and extra-territorial, will remain more or less unchanged, for the next period. %K strategic concept %K global missions %K G2 %K economic crisis %K swarming %K identification %K insurgency %U http://journal.dresmara.ro/issues/volume2_issue2/17_hertanu.pdf