%0 Journal Article %T Correction: n-3 fatty acid-enriched parenteral nutrition regimens in elective surgical and ICU patients: a meta-analysis %A Lorenzo Pradelli %A Konstantin Mayer %A Maurizio Muscaritoli %A Axel R Heller %J Critical Care %D 2013 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/cc11909 %X - For the study Barbosa 2010 [7], this column should read SO/MCT- For the study Berger 2008 [8], this column should read SO/MCT- For the study Friesecke 2008 [9], this column should read SO/MCT- For the study Wachtler 1997 [15], this column should read SO/MCT- For the study Klek 2005 [22], this column should read SO/MCT- For the study Senkal 2007 [28], this column should read SO/MCTThe correct version of the table appears overleaf.The authors declare that they have no competing interests. %U http://ccforum.com/content/17/1/405