%0 Journal Article %T Removal of organic matter and nitrogen from distillery wastewater by a combination of methane fermentation and denitrification/nitrification processes %A LI Jun %A ZHANG Zhen-ji %A LI Zhi-rong %A HUANG Guang-yu %A Naoki Abe %A
LI Jun %A ZHANG Zhen-ji %A LI Zhi-rong %A HUANG Guang-yu %A Naoki Abe %J 环境科学学报(英文版) %D 2006 %I %X The distillery wastewater of Guangdong Jiujiang Distillery, which is characteristic of containing high organic matters and rich total nitrogen, was treated by a combination of methane fermentation and denitrification/nitrification processes. 80% of COD in the raw wastewater was removed by methane fermentation at the COD volumetric loading rate of 20 kg COD/(m3 x d) using the expanded granule sludge bed (EGSB) process. However, almost all the organic nitrogen in the raw wastewater was converted into ammonia by ammonification there. Ammonia and volatile fatty acids (VFA) remaining in the anaerobically treated wastewater were simultaneously removed utilizing VFA as an electron donor by denitrification occurring in the other EGSB reactor and nitrification using PEG-immobilized nitrifying bacteria with recirculation process. An aerobic biological contact oxidization reactor was designed between denitrification/nitrification reactor for further COD removal. With the above treatment system, 18000-28000 mg/L of COD in raw wastewater was reduced to less than 100 mg/L. Also, ammonia in the effluent of the system was not detected and the system had a high removal rate for 900-1200 mg/L of TN in the raw wastewater, only leaving 400 mg/L of nitrate nitrogen. %K ammonia %K COD %K VFA %K methane fermentation %K denitrification %K nitrification %K distillery wastewater %K immobilized nitrifying bacteria
氨水 %K 化学需氧量 %K 甲烷 %K 脱硝作用 %K 硝化作用 %K 废水处理 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=3FF3ABA7486768130C3FF830376F43B398E0C97F0FF2DD53&cid=A7CA601309F5FED03C078BCE383971DC&jid=6CB1530875F53489BF1E81BD87B7F5E6&aid=85E444EFAD6A9E4881297F07C8A1247C&yid=37904DC365DD7266&vid=13553B2D12F347E8&iid=E158A972A605785F&sid=BBA8B1249CDAA6CE&eid=00520952CD4BF212&journal_id=1001-0742&journal_name=Journalofenvironmentalsciences(China)&referenced_num=1&reference_num=13