%0 Journal Article %T An Investigation of Noise Sources and Measure of Noise Control in the City Underground Buildings
城市地下建筑内噪声源调查及建筑噪声控制措施研讨 %A Chen Yanxun %A
陈延训 %J 环境科学 %D 1992 %I %X This paper presents some measurement data on the noise sources in the underground buildings, including blower rooms, pump rooms and generator rooms of diesel engine, discusses requirements of sound environment in different city underground buildings, and gives an analysis on the measurement data of underground constructions of airsound Insulation. %K underground building %K noise sou-rce %K noice control %K sound insulation
地下建筑 %K 噪声源 %K 允许噪声级 %K 隔声 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=3FF3ABA7486768130C3FF830376F43B398E0C97F0FF2DD53&cid=A7CA601309F5FED03C078BCE383971DC&jid=64CD0AA99DD39F69401C615B85F123EF&aid=B07E6E0C5D9EAA75BC8FA9EBD3000A15&yid=F53A2717BDB04D52&vid=FC0714F8D2EB605D&iid=CA4FD0336C81A37A&sid=2001E0D53B7B80EC&eid=94E7F66E6C42FA23&journal_id=0250-3301&journal_name=环境科学&referenced_num=0&reference_num=2