%0 Journal Article %T An Evaluation of Some Famous Chinese and English Search Engines
著名中英文搜索引擎检索性能测评 %A Bao DongmeiZhou Yueqing %A
包冬梅 %A 周曰卿 %J 现代图书情报技术 %D 2004 %I %X The article selects 10 most famous search engines (5 Chinese SEs and 5 English SEs), and from both aspects of quantitative and qualitative, the author measures the performance of the natural language searching on the ten search engines. The aim is to try to offer some theoretical and factual foundation for the further optimization and improvement of search engines. %K Search engines Performance measuring Evaluation methodology
中文搜索引擎 %K 英文搜索引擎 %K 检索性能 %K 评价方法 %K 网络搜索引擎 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=B5EDD921F3D863E289B22F36E70174A7007B5F5E43D63598017D41BB67247657&cid=E46382710BF131B2&jid=24AADBCD0D5373C73F37F78D10E2F717&aid=E0DF5E068FB0B720&yid=D0E58B75BFD8E51C&vid=A04140E723CB732E&iid=CA4FD0336C81A37A&sid=933658645952ED9F&eid=1371F55DA51B6E64&journal_id=1003-3513&journal_name=现代图书情报技术&referenced_num=7&reference_num=21