%0 Journal Article %T Josephson effect in ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor/ferromagnet/ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor junctions
磁性d波超导/铁磁/磁性d波超导结中的约瑟夫森效应 %A Jin Xia %A Dong Zheng-Chao %A Liang Zhi-Peng %A Zhong Chong-Gui %A
金霞 %A 董正超 %A 梁志鹏 %A 仲崇贵 %J 物理学报 %D 2013 %I %X By solving a self-consistent equation for the ferromagnetic d-wave superconducting gap and the exchange energy, we study the Josephson current in the ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor/ferromagnet/ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor junctions. In the Josephson critical current, there are two oscillation components with different periods. It is found that the short-period component can be separated from the long-period one by increasing the exchange energy in ferromagnet and the barrier strength at the ferromagnet/ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor interface, and vice versa. Under a certain thickness for the ferromagnet, exchange energy for the ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor may increase the critical current in the case of a parallel alignment of the magnetization in the ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor. %K ferromagnetic d-wave superconductor %K ferromagnet %K Josephson current
磁性d波超导体 %K 铁磁体 %K 约瑟夫森电流 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=6E709DC38FA1D09A4B578DD0906875B5B44D4D294832BB8E&cid=47EA7CFDDEBB28E0&jid=29DF2CB55EF687E7EFA80DFD4B978260&aid=530695581BF85784C39145A83EBF80FD&yid=FF7AA908D58E97FA&iid=E158A972A605785F&journal_id=1000-3290&journal_name=物理学报&referenced_num=0&reference_num=0