%0 Journal Article %T A Recurrence Formula of Moments for the Meyer-Konig and Zeller Operators on a Simplex
单纯形上Meyer-K{o}nig and Zeller算子矩量的一个递推公式 %A Zhang Chungou %A
张春苟 %J 数学物理学报(A辑) %D 2008 %I %X In this paper, the author first gives an integral expression of moments for the Meyer-K\"onig and Zeller operators of one variable by a simpler method than that in 2], then using the method the author establishes a recurrence formula of moments for the Meyer-K\"onig and Zeller operators of two variables on a simlex, finally derive the integral expression of the second and third moments for the operators as an application of the recurrence formula. %K Meyer-K\"onig and Zeller operatorszz %K Momentszz %K Integral expressionzz %K Simplexzz
单纯形 %K Meyer-Koenig %K and %K Zeller算子 %K 矩量 %K 积分表示 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=6E709DC38FA1D09A4B578DD0906875B5B44D4D294832BB8E&cid=37F46C35E03B4B86&jid=4DB553CDB5F521D8C921082E5C95EC80&aid=F38F16AA062C1CAB2FCC65B71FA69D38&yid=67289AFF6305E306&vid=D3E34374A0D77D7F&iid=0B39A22176CE99FB&sid=119B6C0AA09DE6B9&eid=F416A9924F23B020&journal_id=1003-3998&journal_name=数学物理学报(A辑)&referenced_num=0&reference_num=6