%0 Journal Article %T Seasonal variation and longitudinal distribution characters of cladocerans in the Three Gorges Reservoir
三峡水库初次蓄水后干流库区枝角类的空间分布与季节变化 %A Huixian Wu %A Jianliang Yao %A Yan Liu %A Junzeng Xue %A Qinghua Cai %A Jiankang Liu %A
吴惠仙 %A 姚建良 %A 刘艳 %A 薛俊增 %A 蔡庆华 %A 刘建康 %J 生物多样性 %D 2009 %I Science Press %X To reveal patterns of longitudinal distribution, seasonal variation, and ecological succession in cladocerans communities in the Three Gorges Reservoir, ten sites were used to sample cladoceran communities across a longitudinal gradient from April, 2004 to January, 2005. Nine cladoceran species were collected throughout the year. Species richness was highest in spring (8 species), lower in summer (5 species) and winter (3 species), and lowest in autumn (2 species). Cladoceran species composition varied across sampling sites. Four species were collected from river sampling sites and seven species from reservoir sampling sites. Cladoceran species richness decreased gradually with increasing distance to the dam within the reservoir area. Cladoceran density and biomass varied among seasons (P <0.01) and sampling sites (P <0.01), and both were highest in spring. Density and biomass of cladocerans in river areas were lower than in the reservoir area. Density and biomass of cladoceran in up area of reservoir was lower than that in down area of reservoir. The cladoceran communities of the Three Gorges Reservoir showed distinct patterns in both longitudinal distribution and seasonal variation. %K cladoceran %K zooplankton %K community ecology %K Yangtze River
浮游动物 %K 群落生态 %K 长江三峡 %K 水库 %U http://www.alljournals.cn/get_abstract_url.aspx?pcid=90BA3D13E7F3BC869AC96FB3DA594E3FE34FBF7B8BC0E591&jid=284A3BE2D09272C2DA95716775015427&aid=7F9A8338524B03F446945A4A602F9FFC&yid=DE12191FBD62783C&vid=BCA2697F357F2001&iid=94C357A881DFC066&sid=D8AE57480552698F&eid=5A751AE9FA58A3FB&journal_id=1005-0094&journal_name=生物多样性&referenced_num=0&reference_num=23