%0 Journal Article %T Male Violence against Women and Hybrid Identities in Post-Apartheid South African Black Theatre %J International Journal of Arts %@ 2168-5002 %D 2012 %I %R 10.5923/j.arts.20120205.02 %X Post-apartheid black South African playwrights of both sexes claim the need to destroy apartheid¡¯s legacy and construct new spaces where women stop suffering violence at the hands of men and where they are not discriminated for being exponents of hybrid identities. However, since women are the central characters of the plays by both male and female playwrights, it seems evident that black women are portrayed as indisputable agents of social change in contemporary South Africa while demanding men¡¯s implication towards reaching the same goal. Therefore, this essay will analyze the pivotal role of contemporary black women playwrights in creating audience awareness geared towards social change; the depiction of black women¡¯s main concerns on suffering male abuse and violence and society¡¯s racist discrimination; and the ensuing struggle of black women to find their own space and dignity as women while asserting their identity as exponents of a new hybridized society in contemporary South Africa. %K Male violence %K Post-Apartheid South African Black Theatre %K Hybridity %K Women in South Africa %K Women Playwrights %U http://article.sapub.org/10.5923.j.arts.20120205.02.html