%0 Journal Article %T Easy quantitative methodology to assess visual-motor skills %A Chiappedi M %A Toraldo A %A Mandrini S %A Scarpina F %A Aquino M %A Magnani FG %A Bejor M %J Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment %D 2013 %I Dove Medical Press %R http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/NDT.S37187 %X sy quantitative methodology to assess visual-motor skills Methodology (1397) Total Article Views Authors: Chiappedi M, Toraldo A, Mandrini S, Scarpina F, Aquino M, Magnani FG, Bejor M Published Date January 2013 Volume 2013:9 Pages 93 - 100 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/NDT.S37187 Received: 21 August 2012 Accepted: 23 October 2012 Published: 14 January 2013 Matteo Chiappedi,1 Alessio Toraldo,2 Silvia Mandrini,3 Federica Scarpina,2 Melissa Aquino,2 Francesca Giulia Magnani,2 Maurizio Bejor3 1Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS Foundation, Milan, Italy; 2University of Pavia, Department of Psychology, Pavia, Italy; 3University of Pavia, Department of Surgical, Resuscitative, Rehabilitative and Transplant Sciences, Pavia, Italy Introduction: Visual-motor skills are the basis for a great number of daily activities. To define a correct rehabilitation program for neurological patients who have impairment in these skills, there is a need for simple and cost-effective tools to determine which of the visual-motor system levels of organization are compromised by neurological lesions. In their 1995 book, The Visual Brain in Action (Oxford: Oxford University Press), AD Milner and MA Goodale proposed the existence of two pathways for the processing of visual information, the ¡°ventral stream¡± and ¡°dorsal stream,¡± that interact in movement planning and programming. Beginning with this model, our study aimed to validate a method to quantify the role of the ventral and dorsal streams in perceptual and visual-motor skills. Subjects and methods: Nineteen right-handed healthy subjects (mean age 22.8 years ¡À 3.18) with normal or corrected-to-normal vision were recruited. We proposed that a delayed pointing task, a distance reproduction task, and a delayed anti-pointing task could be used to assess the ventral stream, while the dorsal stream could be evaluated with a grasping task and an immediate pointing task. Performance was recorded and processed with the video-analysis software Dartfish ProSuite. Results: Results showed the expected pattern of predominance of attention for the superior left visual field, predominance of the flexor tone in proximal peri-personal space arm movements, tendency toward overestimation of short distances, and underestimation of long distances. Conclusion: We believe that our method is advantageous as it is simple and easily transported, but needs further testing in neurologically compromised patients. %K dorsal stream %K ventral stream %K visual-motor skills %K rehabilitation %K neurological disorders %U https://www.dovepress.com/easy-quantitative-methodology-to-assess-visual-motor-skills-peer-reviewed-article-NDT