%0 Journal Article %T Cause-Based Model of Software Evolution %A Miroslav Sabo %J Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica %@ 1338-3957 %D 2011 %I Technical University of Ko?ice %R 10.2478/v10198-011-0010-2 %X Domain-specific languages are used to develop highly specialized software. From the implementation perspective, evolution of such software can not utilize evolutionary methods used for software developed in a traditional way. This paper presents the model of evolution, considering the software system as a composition of two separate parts - domain-specific language reflecting the application environment and system by itself reflecting the actual solution to a specified problem. The process of evolution is driven in accordance to the nature of evolutionary change. The paper also discusses the categorization of changes by cause which induced them. %K cause of change %K complexity of software system %K domain-specific language %K language evolution %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/y402t8q20l473001/?p=cd5e727e67c940e69c63a170fa4ff6b7&pi=9