%0 Journal Article %T Parametry zlewni, w kt¨®rych wyst pi y lokalne powodzie %A Tomasz Bryndal %J Annales UMCS, Geographia, Geologia, Mineralogia et Petrographia %@ 2083-3601 %D 2008 %I %R 10.2478/v10066-008-0010-0 %X This article presents the results of investigations devoted to physiographic parameters of basins where small-scale flooding occurred. On the basis of literature devoted to mechanisms of runoff formation during heavy rainstorm, fourteen parameters that influence flood formation predominantly were selected. Eighty-three basins were described using the set of delineated parameters. The analysis allowed indicating typical values of physiographic parameters of basins in which small-scale flooding occurred. Moreover, parameters that diversify or make the basins similar were selected. The basins are similar and the parameters indicate that they are prone to flash floods generation. Moreover, the model of basins where small-scale flooding occurs was created. If such basins are affected by heavy rainstorm there is high probability that flash flood will occur. Investigation of physiographic parameters can be performed before flood events. Comparing parameters of any basin to parameters of the model where flash flood occurred it is possible to evaluate whether basin is prone to flash flood generation. Flood protection should be applied in basins prone to flash flood generation. %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/q1245318v7k31420/?p=ea2de1e306bf4c9f82ad3fd22c4c891b&pi=9