%0 Journal Article %T Alternativas anal¨ªticas en el campo de la movilizaci¨®n social en Colombia: la acci¨®n colectiva de alto riesgo. Lecturas a prop¨®sito de la protesta campesina en el Tolima %A Bautista Bautista %A Sandra Carolina %J Estudios Pol¨ªticos %D 2012 %I Universidad de Antioquia %X this paper presents a theoretical and analytical approach for high-risk collective action, as an explicative tool for different aspects of social mobilization. this perspective allows a better understanding of certain dynamics, in which there seems to be an apparent contradiction between collective action processes and their own adversities. a theoretical contrastation exercise is carried out, based on important authors from the specialized literature, and proposing a conceptual definition for analyzing two experiences of peasant protests in colombia: el l¨ªbano and chaparral in the state of tolima. mentioned mobilization processes are described using collected information in the field, press reviews, and multiple documents, leading to the development of analytical categories based on actual information. the specifics of these collective actions are proven; hence, the potential of this approach remains as a powerful tool for future works. %K social mobilization %K collective action %K social movements %K peasants %K tolima. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-51672012000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en