%0 Journal Article %T Construcci¨®n del discurso deslegitimador del adversario: gobierno y paramilitarismo en Colombia %A BORJA-OROZCO %A HENRY %A BARRETO %A IDALY %A MANUEL SABUCEDO %A JOS¨¦ %A L¨®PEZ-L¨®PEZ %A WILSON %J Universitas Psychologica %D 2008 %I Pontificia Universidad Javeriana %X this is a descriptive study multidimensional which analyses the speeches in a political context created by two players in the armed conflict in colombia: united self-defense forces of colombia (auc) -also known as paramilitaries and government- which aims to identify the existence of differences or similarities in the ideological discourse that can be widely accepted and used to label the enemy as the enemy and justify acts of violence against him. the results show that the delegitimization of the opponent is carried out through the dissemination of linguistic several categories: proscription, proscription actions, negative characterization of the actions, use of political labels, characterizing features, weapons and dehumanization of the adversary where the preference by one or another category depends on the nature of the actor's ideological conflict that builds speech. %K discourse analysis %K legitimation %K violence %K auc %K conflict %K political psychology %K armed conflict %K discourse analysis %K political psychology. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1657-92672008000200020&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en