%0 Journal Article %T D¨¦ficits de autocuidado em crian£¿as e adolescentes com doen£¿a renal cr£¿nica %A Sousa %A Malueska Luacche Xavier Ferreira de %A Silva %A Kenya de Lima %A N¨®brega %A Maria Miriam Lima da %A Collet %A Neusa %J Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem %D 2012 %I Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina %R 10.1590/S0104-07072012000100011 %X this descriptive-exploratory study aimed to investigate the requirements of self care in the health deviations associated with chronic kidney diseases in children and teenagers based on the theoretical framework of orem; to identify nursing diagnoses in self care deficits with the support of the international classification for nursing practice; and to develop interventions with the child/adolescent in order to identify deficits in the self care requirements. a semi-structured interview was applied with four children/adolescents, aged between 8-13 years, from october to december/2009. the deficits were found in the universal, development and health deviations self care requirements. diagnoses were formulated, such as risk for nutritional deficit, ineffective management of therapeutic regimen and deficient health knowledge. the study showed that it is difficult for the child/adolescent to live with the alterations required by the disease. as the child/adolescent is not completely capable of responding to the healthcare process, their caregivers need to assume the condition of self care therapeutic agents. %K family %K chronic disease %K nursing %K self care. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0104-07072012000100011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en