%0 Journal Article %T Albicampo, variedad de frijol de temporal para Valles Altos de la Mesa Central %A Garza-Garc¨ªa %A Dagoberto %A Garza-Garc¨ªa %A Ram¨®n %A Jacinto-Hern¨¢ndez %A Carmen %J Revista mexicana de ciencias agr¨ªcolas %D 2010 %I Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agr¨ªcolas y Pecuarias %X albicampo (phaseolus vulgaris l.), a small opaque dry bean seed variety from the jamapa class, was released in 2010 by the bean program of the inifap's campo experimental valle de mexico. it was obtained through a simple cross, using bulk selection to the f4 followed by individual selection in f5 for disease, quality and agronomic traits. it distinguishes from other varieties of the same commercial class because of its high yield (>2 t ha-1), excellent cooking quality and high protein content, as well as phenological plasticity which enables it to adapt itself from critical to good rain season. it is resistant to anthracnose (colletotrichum lindemuthianum sacc & magn. briosi & cav.), common bacterial blight (xanthomonas campestris pv phaseoli (smith) dye) and root rot pathogens (likely pythium and rhizoctonia) and it is tolerant to rust. its growth habit is non-determinate (type iii) with short vines and purple flowers. in the high valleys, it matures in 105 to 115 days. albicampo shows its maximum potential in areas from 2000 up to 2400 masl with deep soil and a minimum of 350 mm of pluvial precipitation. %K phaseolus vulgaris l. %K cooking quality %K protein content. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S2007-09342010000500008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en