%0 Journal Article %T CARCINOMA COMPLEJO DE GL¨˘NDULA MAMARIA, ACANTOMA QUERATINIZANTE INFUNDIBULAR Y MASTOCITOMA TIPO III EN UN CANINO %A Ochoa-Amaya %A JE %A Pedraza-Castillo %A LN %A Ciuoderis-Aponte %A KA %J Revista MVZ C¨®rdoba %D 2009 %I Universidad de Cordoba %X among the tumors, skin tumors are seen most frequently in veterinary medicine. the infundibular keratinizing acantoma (ika) is the less common tumor of the follicular neoplasms, in contrast, mastocytoma (cm) is the most common tumor of mesenchymal tumors in dogs as well as a canine mammary tumors are the most common tumors in female (25 to 50% of all tumors) being malignant 41 to 50 per cent of them. this paper seeks to document the findings of anatomopathology and presentation of three rare cutaneous neoplasms in a female dog. a case of a canine, female, 11 years old, poodle cross breed that was remitted to consultation by emesis 15 days ago and the presence of masses in the abdomen and mammary gland. the patient was euthanized. the autopsy showed multiple rounded masses of varying sizes in the skin of the abdomen and mammary glands and in the parenchyma of the spleen and liver. the tissue samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and taken to the laboratory for routine histological processing. it was diagnosed complex mammary carcinoma, a metastatic type iii cm and ika. it was showed two malignant tumors and one benign skin tumor in the same animal and was reported the simultaneous and infrequent appearance of the cm associated with ika. %K benign neoplasm %K malign neoplasm %K dog diseases. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0122-02682009000300009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en