%0 Journal Article %T Implante percut¨¢neo de c¨¦lulas mononucleares de sangre perif¨¦rica movilizadas con factor estimulante de colonias granuloc¨ªticas, en la osteoartrosis de rodilla. Primer caso comunicado en Cuba %A Baganet Cobas %A Aymara Mar¨ªa %A Hern¨¢ndez Ram¨ªrez %A Porfirio %A Fern¨¢ndez Delgado %A Norma %A Forrellat Barrios %A Mariela %A Gonz¨¢lez Iglesias %A Ana Iris %A P¨¦rez Fuentes %A Enrique %A Mac¨ªas Abraham %A Consuelo %A Dortic¨®s Balea %A Elvira %A Lam D¨ªaz %A Rosa M. %A Salgado Arocena %A Odalys %A Villanueva Cagigas %A Emilio %A Le¨®n Valladares %A Dayneri %A Smith Garc¨ªa-Menocal %A H¨¦ctor %A Pozo Alonso %A Desi %A ¨¢lvarez Hern¨¢ndez %A Roberto %A Sim¨®n Pita %A Ana Mar¨ªa %J Revista Cubana de Hematolog£¿-a, Inmunolog£¿-a y Hemoterapia %D 2010 %I Editorial Ciencias M¨¦dicas %X the degenerative joint disease, also known as osteoarthrosis affects to 10% of elderlies aged 60. it is mainly characterized by pain in the involved joint, crepitation, morning stiff and a progressive limitation of movement of that joint leading to a partial or total wear of articular cartilage. the treatment of the knee osteoarthrosis is a great challenge. the recent advances in use of regenerative medicine suggest that adult stem cells could represent a promisor alternative in the treatment of this entity. in a female patient aged 61 presenting with knee osteoarthrosis authors placed a percutaneous implant of autologous mononuclear cells mobilized to peripheral blood by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor achieving a fast clinical and radiological improvement. this result suggests that the procedure used is a feasible, simple, safe and less expensive method for treatment of articular degenerative lesions. %K stem cells %K mononuclear cells %K degenerative lesions %K osteoarthritis %K knee. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0864-02892010000300010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en