%0 Journal Article %T Fluorosis dental: no solo un problema est¨¦tico %A Hidalgo-Gato Fuentes %A Iliana %A Duque de Estrada River¨®n %A Johany %A Mayor Hern¨¢ndez %A F¨¦lix %A Zamora D¨ªaz %A Javier Domingo %J Revista Cubana de Estomatolog£¿-a %D 2007 %I Editorial Ciencias M¨¦dicas %X while the stomatological profession states that dental fluorosis is only an aesthetic problem and not a health effect, this declaration is an assumption and not a fact. certainly, dental fluorosis represents a toxic effect in the tooth cells, but it is asked if the tooth cells are the only body cells impacted by this effect. motivated by this controversial topic, a bibliographic review was made aimed mainly at going deep into the theoretical knowledge and the clinical characteristics of this affection that may manifest in a local or general way, and into the consequences of the inadequate use of fluor in the human organism. it was concluded that fluorosis is a disease that not only affects the dental structures and that it can not only be defined by the stomatologists due to the dental affections it may produce, since in many occasions it is the first sign that the person has been exposed to elevated levels of fluorine. %K dental fluorosis %K fluorine. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0034-75072007000400014&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en