%0 Journal Article %T Dict¨¢menes en Revistas Cient¨ªficas: lo que Necesitan los Editores y Autores, lo que Hacen los Evaluadores %A PLATA-CAVIEDES %A TATIANA %A C¨®RDOBA-SALGADO %A OSCAR ALEJANDRO %A TRZESNIAK %A PIOTR %J Revista Colombiana de Psicolog¨ªa %D 2012 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X in order to determine whether or not the peer reviewers who worked with the revista colombiana de psicolog¨ªa in 2010 and 2011 provided the editor with the resources necessary to make an informed decision regarding publication decisions and the authors with the tools needed to improve their manuscripts, a content analysis of 96 concepts was conducted. findings showed that referees concentrated more on aspects related to the scientific value of the article, and provided precise comments in most cases. however, only half of the reviewers provided constructive feedback. the article discusses the reviewers' responsibility in improving the quality of the articles, in addition to deciding on their publication. %K peer review %K scientific publication %K editorial processes. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-54692012000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en