%0 Journal Article %T Ocorr¨ºncia de mordida aberta anterior e h¨¢bitos bucais delet¨¦rios em crian£¿as de 4 a 6 anos %A Zapata %A Maritza %A Bachiega %A Joanna Carolina %A Marangoni %A Anal¨²cia Ferreira %A Jeremias %A Jos¨¦ Eduardo Massucato %A Ferrari %A Raquel Agnelli Mesquita %A Bussadori %A Sandra Kalil %A Santos %A Elaine Marc¨ªlio %J Revista CEFAC %D 2010 %I CEFAC Sa¨²de e Educa??o %R 10.1590/S1516-18462010000200013 %X purpose: to determine the occurrence of anterior open bite and harmful oral habits in children from four to six-year old. methods: a total of 266 four-to-six-year-old male and female children in the city of suzano (s£¿o paulo, brazil) were evaluated. an assessment chart for detecting the occurrence of harmful oral habits was administered to the guardians and clinical exams were performed for assessing occlusion in the children. results: a total of 221 children (83.1%) had at least one harmful oral habit, the most frequent of which was the use of a feeding bottle (n=167; 75.6%). the occurrence of simultaneous harmful habits and dental occlusion abnormalities was observed in 119 children (44.1% of the sample); among these children, the greatest prevalence was of anterior open bite (n=89; 79.8%). conclusion: anterior open bite was the most prevalent occlusion alteration in the children and had a statistically significant association with harmful oral habits, such as the use of a bottle and/or pacifier and teeth grinding. %K dental occlusion %K habits %K open bite. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1516-18462010000200013&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en