%0 Journal Article %T Influ¨ºncia das intercorr¨ºncias maternas e fetais nos diferentes graus de corioamnionite %A Machado %A Juliana Reis %A Rocha %A Laura Penna %A Barrilari %A Sue Ellen Gon£¿alves %A Pucci %A Karla Roberta Martins %A Reis %A Marlene Ant£¿nia dos %A Castro %A Eum¨ºnia Costa da Cunha %A Corr¨ºa %A Rosana Rosa Miranda %J Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetr¨ªcia %D 2012 %I Federa??o Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetr¨ªcia %R 10.1590/S0100-72032012000400003 %X purpose: to evaluate the influence of maternal complications, prematurity, fetal anthropometric parameters and conditions of the newborn on different degrees of chorioamnionitis. methods: we analyzed 90 placentas from deliveries performed at the general hospital of triangulo mineiro federal university with a diagnosis of inflammation in the anatomopathological exams. we reviewed the medical records to obtain relevant maternal and fetal information. the infections were classified as grade i - deciduitis; grade ii - chorioamnionitis; grade iii - chorioamnionitis and vasculitis; grade iv - neonatal sepsis and grade v - fetal death and pneumonitis. results: among the pregnant women analyzed, 50.0% had no complications, 15.0% had ruptured membranes, 15.0% urinary tract infection, 7.5% hypertensive disorders, 7.5% transvaginal infection, 5.0% hematogenous infection, and 11.1% other complications. more than a half the neonates were males and 72.2% were born at term. analysis of the degree of chorioamnionitis showed that 56.7% had grade i, 22.2% grade ii, 4.4% grade iii, 10.0% grade iv, and 6.7% grade v. data were analyzed statistically by the ¦Ö2 test for qualitative variables and by the spearman test for correlation analysis. the higher grades of chorioamnionitis were observed in cases of maternal complications. we observed negative correlations between all parameters and the degree of fetal chorioamnionitis, which were significant regarding weight, length, thoracic circumference and apgar score in the first and fifth minutes. conclusions: the different patterns of chorioamnionitis were related to different maternal and fetal clinical features, affecting the life conditions of the newborn and the severity of morphological lesions found in stillbirths. %K placenta %K chorioamnionitis [diagnosis] %K pregnancy complications %K infectious %K cause of death %K fetal death. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0100-72032012000400003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en