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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Predictive Factors of Childbirth by High in the City of Mbujimayi (Democratic Republic of Congo)

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105912, PP. 1-10

Subject Areas: Sociology, Demography

Keywords: Child Birth

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Goal: Identifying predictors of cesarean delivery in the reference general hospitals of the city of Mbujimayi. Method: Study is analytical case-control study in the city of Mbujimayi precisely in all general hospitals of reference of this city during the period from 15 March to 14 June 2017 with 282 birth. A total of 94 caesarean which were considered as cases and 188 birth vaginally who were considered witnesses or 2 for each case of our series. Predictors of cesarean delivery were highlighted by the no logistic regression. Results: Predictors of cesarean delivery are: la parity of less than 4 [Oraj: 0.269 (0.108 - 0.670)]; prior dystocia [Oraj 11.99 (4.255 to 33.811)]. lSystolic hypertension [Oraj: 12.768 (1.791 - 91.029)]; Emergency evacuation [Oraj: 59.144 (16.053 - 217.904)]; lhas obstructed fetal presentation [Oraj: 10.092 (2.975 - 34.235)]; the abnormal appearance of the amniotic fluid [Oraj: 4.913 (2.035 - 11.862)] and APGAR 5 < 7 [Oraj: 4.133 (1.372 - 12.456)]. Conclusion: Predictors of cesarean delivery are: la parity of less than 4; prior dystocia; lSystolic hypertension; Emergency evacuation; lhas obstructed fetal presentation; the abnormal appearance of the amniotic fluid; and in the fifth minute Apgar < 7.

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John, K. M. , Claire, B. K. M. , Cibangu, K. , Ntumba, M. , Fleur, M. C. , Tshimanga, K. and Michel, K. N. (2019). Predictive Factors of Childbirth by High in the City of Mbujimayi (Democratic Republic of Congo). Open Access Library Journal, 6, e5912. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105912.


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