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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Philosophic Interpretation of a Community of Shared Future for Mankind from the Perspective of the Marxist Philosophy

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1105541, PP. 1-5

Subject Areas: Literature, Library, Intelligence and Philology

Keywords: Marxism Philosophy, A Community of Shared Future for Mankind, Philosophic Interpretation

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The concept of a Community of Shared Future for Mankind is proposed by Chairman Xi Jinping under the background of complicated and changeable in-ternational environment, rapidly development of Chinese economy, and great change in world political and economic situation. This concept is the new development of Marxism philosophy in the 21st century, demonstrating the basic spirit and essence of Marxism philosophy. This paper explains the spirit of Marxism in the concept of community of shared future of mankind, the method of analyzing problems, the diplomatic concept of China in its peaceful rise in the concept of community of shared future of mankind from the per-spective of Marxist philosophy, and the value of Chinese. The author holds that this concept analyzes the relationship between parts and whole, one relationship of the those three relationships of current world, aims to build a highly harmonious and unified world, advocates a diversified and unified world, coordinates parts in various relations, and resolves all kinds of conflict, with the aim to make humans into a more harmonious developing situation. This is not only in line with the general trend of world development, but also in line with the Chinese pursuit of “peaceful coexistence”.

Cite this paper

Liu, S. (2019). The Philosophic Interpretation of a Community of Shared Future for Mankind from the Perspective of the Marxist Philosophy. Open Access Library Journal, 6, e5541. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105541.


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