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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Gabon Wood Industry and Chinese Companies Activities

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1104553, PP. 1-15

Subject Areas: Development Economics, Business Finance and Investment, Consumer Behavior, Business Analysis

Keywords: Gabon, Wood Industry, China Investment

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The investments made by the Asian companies, in particular, the Chinese companies in the forestry sector in Gabon over the past fifteen years, appear each day more and more important. These companies are indeed specialized in the buyout of multinationals, permit or to Gabonese capital and companies in the business of “farming” with forest concessions of national operators. In this paper, we are going to analyze the point of the level of their contribution in the sector Gabonese wood by segment business (operations and forest management, timber processing and export and marketing of logs and derivatives) and the degree of their involvement in the implementation of the laws and regulations (code Forester, labor code and code of the environment) in force in Gabon. It is clear that Chinese-owned companies have become major players in the industry Gabonese wood. Thus, they are the first operators of the Gabonese wood with a total area of 2.84.483 ha or 25.11% of the forest area operating in that country; in addition, they are, with their established wood industries 15.29% in Gabon, the third group of operators in this segment of activity and also are the top exporters of Gabonese wood with an annual average of logs over 1 million m3 (representing more than 70% of the wood Gabonese exported). However, this leadership is characterized by large gaps and weaknesses in the implementation of the Gabonese regulation.

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Yoan, A. O. , Xue, Y. and Kiki, M. J. M. (2018). Gabon Wood Industry and Chinese Companies Activities. Open Access Library Journal, 5, e4553. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1104553.


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