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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Predictive Capacity of Psychopathological Symptoms for Spanish Adolescents’ Future Expectations

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1104546, PP. 1-15

Subject Areas: Sociology, Psychology

Keywords: Future Expectations, Psychopathological Problems, Internalizing Problems, Externalizing Problems, Early Adolescence

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This study examines the association between psychopathological problems and future expectations in Spanish early adolescents. Participants were 781 students (48.5% female) from 11 secondary schools, aged 11 - 15 years (M = 12.37, SD = 0.66). The students were of middle and middle-low socioeconomic status. Participants with higher levels of psychopathological problems (emotional and behavioral problems) had lower future expectations. Regression analysis confirmed that certain psychopathological dimensions (anxious/depressed, delinquent behavior, thought problems, social problems) predict some variability of future expectations in early adolescence. The main contribution of this research is to further our comprehension of the development of adolescents’ future expectations and the way in which psychopathological problems have an impact on such development. Future expectations are an important protective factor for healthy development in adolescence, as thinking about the future motivates everyday behavior and influences choices, decisions, and future activities. This paper emphasizes the need for preventive intervention, and at early ages, on cognitive processes related to the future temporal perspective in cases of psychopathological problems.

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Verdugo, L. and Sánchez-Sandoval, Y. (2018). Predictive Capacity of Psychopathological Symptoms for Spanish Adolescents’ Future Expectations. Open Access Library Journal, 5, e4546. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1104546.


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