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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Child Labor and Reproduction of Family Poverty in Puno: A Pending Social Debt

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1104473, PP. 1-14

Subject Areas: Education, Sociology

Keywords: Child Labor, Reproduction of Family Poverty, Child Rights, Education and Health

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Child labor violates the rights of children enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) of the United Nations (UN), but also reproduces poverty in our country. In Peru, this type of work is not a novelty, but historical studies reveal that until the 1990s it was viewed with indifference by governments and other instances of society. The present research “Child labor and poverty in Puno”, has as objective: Determine the association between child labor and reproduction of family poverty in Puno. The study areas have been selected, taking into account the places with the highest concentration of children who carry out economic activities with their parents: The area of Salcedo “the brickworks in the Rinconada”, Jr. Los Incas and the surroundings of the stadium “ETB”, the Bellavista market and Mercado Union and Dignidad, as well as some parks and main streets where they carry out their economic activities informally. The Study Method is inductive of correlational-longitudinal design. Sample: The universe of the population under study is made up of adults who were formerly street children and adolescents in the city of Puno. Results: Child labor interferes in many ways: First, it decapitalizes in two to three years of study approximately with respect to those that do not work; second, the effort that work demands them has a negative impact on school continuity in the future. When not reaching the expected level in education, the possibility of repetition increases, which in turn generates delay and facilitates the desertion and consequently by the constant repetitions and desertions makes possible the definitive abandonment of the school. Therefore, child labor in the current conditions is twice the fundamental rights of children, places conditions of informality when they are adults and reproduces family poverty in our country in a generational manner.

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Mamani, J. I. (2018). Child Labor and Reproduction of Family Poverty in Puno: A Pending Social Debt. Open Access Library Journal, 5, e4473. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1104473.


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