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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Time Dilation Can Be Emerged from Newtonian Time in One Case

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103908, PP. 1-18

Subject Areas: Theoretical Physics

Keywords: Newtonian Space, Newtonian Time, Time Dilation, Spacetime Continuum, Dimensions of the Universe

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This study shows that time dilation supposed by Einstein can be derived from absolute time supposed by Newton if Newtonian space is sloped where space of moving frames become sloped with respect to space of the stationary frame of reference. Slope of Newtonian space creates a new kind of energy that causes moving frames to experience slight resistance while moving to forward in Newtonian space; hence, moving frames reverse slightly backward in space. With respect to observers at rest, the sum of the distance that the light travels vertically during motion of the moving frame S' to forward (xv)f and the distance that the light travels vertically during motion of the same frame to backward (xv)b is equal to the distance (x'v) that the light travels vertically in frame S' from the perspective of the observers in the same frame S'. The motion of light through the reversed space dilates Newtonian time of the moving frames with respect to the stationary frame of reference, like a car that moves slowly because it is climbing a hill, the time of the moving bodies moves slowly because of the slope of Newtonian space. This work does not aim to prove slope or straightness of space, rather it aims to show that time dilation can be existed in nature as a result of a reaction between Newtonian time and slope of Newtonian space, therefore testing of slope’s property must be included in the interests of applied physicists in the next days.

Cite this paper

Husseiny, M. A. (2017). Time Dilation Can Be Emerged from Newtonian Time in One Case. Open Access Library Journal, 4, e3908. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103908.


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