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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Prediction of the Fragmentation Pathway of Atorvastatin by Using High Resolution Collision Induced Dissociation (HR-MS/MS) Spectral Information

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103473, PP. 1-8

Subject Areas: Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering & Technology

Keywords: Atorvastatin, Small Drug Molecules, High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Fragmentation, Rational Workflow, Interpretation

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Introduction: A possible fragmentation pathway of atorvastatin was proposed based on rational interpretation of high resolution collision induced dissociation (CID) fragmentation spectral data. Method: The mass spectral (MS and MS/MS) data of atorvastatin was obtained by using a flow injection analysis, LC coupled with high resolution mass analyzer system with Q-TOF technology. Results: The elemental composition for each major fragment was proposed with a calculated mass error in parts per million (ppm). The mass error found in this study is from 0.3 to 5.7 ppm; strongly supports all the proposed elemental composition of fragments. Based on the fragments, possible fragmentation pathway was proposed. Conclusion: The workflow followed for interpretation can also address the structural possibilities of similar type of small organic molecules.

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Shandilya, D. K. , Israni, R. , Joseph, P. E. and Kantamreddi, V. S. S. (2017). Prediction of the Fragmentation Pathway of Atorvastatin by Using High Resolution Collision Induced Dissociation (HR-MS/MS) Spectral Information. Open Access Library Journal, 4, e3473. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103473.


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