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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Saint and the Genius

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103305, PP. 1-12

Subject Areas: Philosophy

Keywords: Genius, Saint, Eternity, Purification, Spiritual Participation

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The main purpose of our study is to underline the manifestations of the two mentioned existential realities, embodied in the “saint” and the “genius”. We used the method of comparison to make a parallel between the path to perfection, the sanctity, and the one of the genius, namely the creative capacity of sense and value in human nature. Therefore, according to this comparison, we structured our research into three distinct and complementary parts. The first refers to the saint who takes the path of spiritual life, abandon of profane human world and the self and ascension towards God. He accomplishes the way of the calling to perfection, where nature in collaboration with the divine grace delivers itself in the sense given to it in the creation, namely in the full actualization of the image. The second part refers to the path taken by the genius, who comprises the metamorphosis of meanings that are able to give creative coherence to the human nature. The essence of our research is comprised in the comparison of the two (the third part): The experience of holiness and the experience of genius are two realities whose way of manifestation has to do with the given of the human condition.

Cite this paper

Stefan, F. (2017). The Saint and the Genius. Open Access Library Journal, 4, e3305. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103305.


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