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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Perceptions of Nursing Students Face Their Trainee Supervisors (Case of the University Clinics of Lubumbashi)

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103216, PP. 1-7

Subject Areas: Public Health, Nursing

Keywords: Perception, Nurses, Coaching, Internship

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Teaching aims to introduce the learner to the realities of social and professional life. In the context of vocational education, these learning activities are confined to two interacting poles, namely learning in a school situation (simulation) and that in a clinical situation, that is to say next to the patient. The general objective of this study was to raise the awareness of nursing supervisors to improve the quality of the supervision they offer to trainee students in their professional circles in order to overcome this challenge. We used a prospective, cross-sectional descriptive study conducted at the university clinics in Lubumbashi. The study found that 54% of the trainees were female, 46% male; 47.3% were between 21 and 25 years old and 24.3% between 31 and 35 years of age; The attitude of the Trainees towards the trainee supervisors was distrustful in 36% of the cases and Positive in 27%; Indifferent in 26% of cases. In relation to the quality of the supervision, 38% of the students found this to be of poor quality and 39% said that the quality was good. The supervision of students seems to be a real challenge for all the care management of an institution and for the educational institution that sent these trainees. The commitment of all is necessary to carry out this mission of supervision of internstudents.

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Mariette, K. K. , Esther, K. I. , Loriot, M. K. , Kolomba, M. and Michel, K. N. (2016). Perceptions of Nursing Students Face Their Trainee Supervisors (Case of the University Clinics of Lubumbashi). Open Access Library Journal, 3, e3216. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103216.


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