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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Psychology behind Clandestine Affairs in an Interpersonal Romantic Liaison

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1101870, PP. 1-4

Subject Areas: Psychology

Keywords: Clandestine Affairs, Digital Age, Interpersonal Relationship, Love Smitten Couples, Romantic Liaisons, Tete-e-Tete

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Clandestine love affairs and meetings between love smitten couples are common issues since time immemorial. Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human beings. Lovers in societies who are conservative need to have clandestine meetings, that is, they can meet only secretly even for their simple romantic relationships. There is nothing novel among these rendezvous’ between two loving parties. But the matter of concern that stands supreme is the psychology or in other words the working of the mind of these couples that ignites their souls to enter into an intimate relationship. In the current scenario, clandestine affairs and romantic liaisons are very common among people of any age group. The couple under the spell of romantic union is least bothered to share his experience with the family members or even friends; they keep it to themselves and live in their own euphoric world. The current research effort will penetrate deep in highlighting the strong psychology behind these interpersonal romantic affairs. The psychological impact behind the romantic initiation leading into the saga of an interpersonal romantic relationship is a matter of strong discussion. The paper will aid in highlighting how the two unknown bodies meet and interact with each other, actually ignite or extinguish aspirations for the impending future. The psychology behind this clandestine affair, sans awareness to the third party is centripetal on the couple’s flight of imagination in the deep recesses of their heart and their virtual behavior towards each other.

Cite this paper

Khanna, D. (2015). Psychology behind Clandestine Affairs in an Interpersonal Romantic Liaison. Open Access Library Journal, 2, e1870. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1101870.


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