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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


A Novel Information Security Scheme for E-Learning Infrastructure Success Based on TRI Model

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1101424, PP. 1-18

Subject Areas: Computer and Network Security, Applications of Communication Systems

Keywords: E-Learning Platform, TRI Model, Security Requirements, E-Learning Infrastructure Success, Information Security Management

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The fast growth of the Internet proposes and offers several new applications and advanced services that has greatly and quickly innovated the educational environment. The platform of e- learning represents an attractive educational field where the acceptance or utilization progresses and more and more people are taking courses or training using this technology. Mainly, e-learning platform exploits Internet infrastructure which became location for illegal events and actions, especially exposed to several kinds of threats or attacks. Furthermore, most of e-learning platforms are designed without taking into account security concerns. In this paper, we present e-learning environment, especially characteristics, development, growth, benefits and challenges. We also discussed and used TRI (Technology Readiness Index) which is considered a widely accepted metric for studying the behavior process behind the utilization of technological products and services. The results of the conducted TRI study demonstrate the need for a security scheme that incorporates students’ behaviors and requirements for improving e-learning usage. For this reason, we develop a new security scheme that combines the use of information service management (ISM) and a hybrid algorithm for guaranteeing the needed security requirements. Finally, we demonstrate that our proposal can guarantee the suitable environment which provides students’ satisfaction and acceptance as well as e-leaning success.

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Khlifi, Y. and Bessadok, A. (2015). A Novel Information Security Scheme for E-Learning Infrastructure Success Based on TRI Model. Open Access Library Journal, 2, e1424. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1101424.


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