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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


A Non-Simple and Not Completed History of Quantum Mechanics and Really Long History of Resolving the Problem of Time as a Quantum Observable

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1100887, PP. 1-15

Subject Areas: Nuclear Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Modern Physics

Keywords: Quantum Mechanics, Unresolved Problem of the Interpretation of Quantum Theory, Quantum Theory of Measurements, Maximal Hermitian Time Operator for Systems with the Continouous Energy Spectra, Measure (Weight) of Averaging Over Time, Time Operator for Systems with the Discrete Energy Spectra

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It shortly described a far from being completed history of quantum mechanics—quantum theory of measurements. Furthermore, there was a relatively recently finished chapter of quantum mechanics which for a long time had not been resolved. This chapter is dedicated to time as a quantum observable, canonically conjugated to energy. And the mathematical reasons for its principal resolving are explained.

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Olkhovsky, V. S. (2014). A Non-Simple and Not Completed History of Quantum Mechanics and Really Long History of Resolving the Problem of Time as a Quantum Observable. Open Access Library Journal, 1, e887. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1100887.


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