Top Open Access publications matching Human Resources
Rankings Journal Title Publisher h5-index
1. Human Resources for Health BioMed Central 29
2. Monthly Labor Review U.S. Department of Labor 20
3. South African Journal of Human Resource Management AOSIS OpenJournals 14
4. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies Roskilde University 14
5. International Journal of Human Resource Studies Macrothink Institute 13
6. Organizacoes & Sociedade Universidade Federal da Bahia 12
7. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales Universidad Complutense de Madrid 11
8. Organizacija De Gruyter Open 9
9. Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies Scientific Research Publishing 8*
   The listed h5 indexes were originated from Google Scholar Metrics updated in June 2017.
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 * The h5-index for this journal is calculated based on the citations statistics from Google Scholar.