%0 Journal Article %T A Rare Case Report of Uterine Didelphys, in Which One Uterus Carried a Pregnancy While the Other Carried Twice, with a Successful Pregnancy Outcome Resulting in an Alive-Term Delivery %A Qiuping Wang %A Huanqin Zhang %A Weihua Yang %A Xiaoju Liang %A Yujuan Fan %J Open Access Library Journal %V 10 %N 11 %P 1-6 %@ 2333-9721 %D 2023 %I Open Access Library %R 10.4236/oalib.1110930 %X Uterine didelphys is a rare congenital anomaly of the female reproductive organs, designated by the presence of the uterus as a pair of organ, the chance of having a pregnancy in one of the uterus while the other one had successfully pregnant twice is very low. In this case, report we present a 31-year-old gravida four para three deliveries (two Cesarean section, alive and healthy, one spontaneous abortion) woman, who received C-section to terminate pregnancy due to intrauterine hypoxia and oligohydramnios, with the outcome of a 3000 g male alive neonate. Intraoperatively, there was uterine didelphys, one uterus holding the pregnancy while the other with caesarean section scar. %K Didelphic Uterus %K Pregnancy %K M¨¹llerian Duct Anomalies %U http://www.oalib.com/paper/6809047