%0 Journal Article %T A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON SIGNIFICATION AND SUGGESTION %A Joby John %J ENSYGLOGE %P 4-10 %@ 2583-1011 %D 2021 %R - %X The academic paper entitled, ˇ°A Comparative Study on Signification and Suggestionˇ± is an attempt to compare and study two key terms in the philosophy of language such as Signification (Sign, Signifier and Signified) and Suggestion (Vyanjana). These two terms are still a subject of research in modern semantics. This comparative study aims at comparing both Eastern and Western schools of philosophy of language to come up with the similarities and individual traits of both schools. In order to make the study more brief and accurate this academic study mainly focusing on Saussurean understanding on sign from the Western side and Vyanjana from Sabdhabodha ( One of the source of knowledge of the Nyaya Epistemology) from the East. Both these linguistic philosophies mainly deals with word and its meaning on the basis of structure and context. %K Vyanjana %K Sign %K Signifier %K Signification %U https://8ad43e4f-2ae0-49bc-aea1-b2a406569f0b.filesusr.com/ugd/a470af_8bb3f369c6294dea844b83dc497f0ea8.pdf