%0 Journal Article %T Study of Terrorism in International law based on the Nature and International Documents Available %A Mohammad K. T. Moghadam %A Abbas Kouchnejad %J International Journal of Nations Research %P 47-66 %@ 2476-6461 %D 2018 %R - %X With Looking at the place of terrorism, and the effects that have placed on different levels of the international community, and the global community in general, on especially on international peace and security, and its relations with it, and that terrorism has become the greatest contemporary challenge; this paper has tried to Give a more complete, relatively comprehensive definition of terrorism by according to the nature and essence of terror and terrorism, and the different opinions and definitions of that, and then, moreover, by reviewing international instruments, including conventions and resolutions on the issue of terrorism, also this paper has tried to Specify the appropriate position of the international community and international law in relation to this phenomenon and event. Finally, it concludes that, based on the nature of terrorism and the international community's commitment to terrorism, Confronting terrorism and terrorist groups, because of their nature and its contradiction with the rules and principles of international law and the conflict with the current international order and the impossibility of the readiness of terrorism with international peace and security, Regardless of its type and time, it needs to be tackled seriously until it is destroyed. %K Terror %K Fighting Terrorism %K International Peace and Security %K International Law %U http://rnmagz.ir/images/PDF27/RNmagz-27-3.pdf