%0 Journal Article %T Forests Organization on the Base of Ecological-Dynamic Characteristics of Vegetation (Some Methodological Aspects) %A Alexander P. Sizykh %A Alexey I. Schekhovtsov %J Open Access Library Journal %V 5 %N 2 %P 1-5 %@ 2333-9721 %D 2018 %I Open Access Library %R 10.4236/oalib.1104399 %X
Mapping of forest vegetation is considered as an efficient method for obtaining of statistic information, which serves as a base for determination of the character of coenisis use in concrete regions. Different scales and periodicity of vegetation mapping allow to establish the peculiarities of coenisis structure, dynamics and functioning. Physical-geographic conditions pre-determine time intervals of forests taxation. Mapping taking into account the synchronicity and syntopic aspects helps to reveal the ecological potential both of forests and of the whole landscapes.
%K Vegetation %K Forests %K Mapping %K Ecological-Dynamic Characteristics %K Forests Organization %K Forests Use %U http://www.oalib.com/paper/5293151