%0 Journal Article %T Relations between Man and the Environment through the Analysis of the Symbolism of the Herbs and Trees in Caribbean Literature %A Chali Jean-Georges %J Open Access Library Journal %V 3 %N 7 %P 1-17 %@ 2333-9721 %D 2016 %I Open Access Library %R 10.4236/oalib.1102765 %X
The question of representations of the forest world, trees and plants in the Caribbean literature is important in the understanding of the relationship between man and nature. This work deals with the study of literary texts which highlight this human-nature interaction serving as the writer¡¯s base to establish the legitimacy of the literary discourse. It anchors this dialogue in reality and knowledge of the world which translates the relationship between man and his environment. The data recorded during this study allow us to develop this continuum between literature, the world perception in the oral tradition and biotope observation by the endogenous populations. The writer renders the syncretic dimension that serves as the basis of literary aesthetics through writing and the popular imagination.
%K Symbolic %K Representations %K Trees %K Plants %K Forest %K Caribbean %K Tales %K Legends %K Literature %K Biodiversity %K Human %K Nature %K Function %K Magical-Religious %K Relationship %K Sacred %U http://www.oalib.com/paper/5268459