%0 Journal Article %T Tool Proposal for Software Process Assessment Using ISO/IEC 15504 %A Marcelo P¨¦rez Ramos %A Margarita Mondrag¨®n Arellano %A C¨¦sar Vel¨¢zquez Amador %J Open Access Library Journal %V 2 %N 6 %P 1-8 %@ 2333-9721 %D 2015 %I Open Access Library %R 10.4236/oalib.1101561 %X In these days, there exist some maturity & capability models, standard methodologies and guidelines to help organizations to improve their processes and the way they work. In software area, there are Software Process Assessment Models like ISO/IEC 15504. This model provides guidance for assessing the organization¡¯s capacity about software development and his maturity on implemented processes. Software Process Assessment models don¡¯t provide systematic metrics for assessing the Software Process. Therefore, this process has to be performed by experienced assessors who use their own subjective estimations for quantitative measures or by using established metrics. This article presents a tool proposal designed for supporting the software process assessment and helps to determine the organization¡¯s capability on his software development process from ISO/ IEC 15504 (SPICE) model perspective. %K Software Process Improvement %K Software Process Assessment %K Assessment Tool %U http://www.oalib.com/paper/3145941