%0 Journal Article %T 2D and 3D Image Analysis by Gaussian-Hermite Moments %A Bo Yang %A Tomas Suk %A Mo Dai and Jan Flusser %J Gate to Computer Sciece and Research %P 143-173 %@ 2241-9063 %D 2014 %R 10.15579/gcsr.vol1.ch7 %X This chapter introduces 2D and 3D Gaussian-Hermite moments and rotation invariants constructed from them. Thanks to their numerical stability, Gaussian-Hermite moments provide better reconstruction and recognition power than the geometric and most of other orthogonal moments while keeping the simplicity of design of the invariants. This is illustrated by experiments on real 2D and 3D data. %K image moments %K orthogonal moments %K Gaussian-Hermite moments %U http://sciencegatepub.com/books/gcsr/gcsr_vol1/GCSR_Vol1_Ch07.pdf